Deliver app-consistent backups with a policy-driven approach. NoSQL database backups are always available in native formats.
Leverage a software-defined control plane to meet the needs of growing application and database needs. Deliver ease of deployment, configuration, and management – all at scale.
Refresh production data to Test/Dev with any-to-any topology restores. Address enterprise use cases – compliance, governance, GDPR, ransomware, and DR.
MPY Technologies mData IO gives you the deployment flexibility you deserve to protect your modern applications.
Run MPY Technologies mData IO on physical, virtual, container, or cloud instances.
Run mData IO on-premises or in the cloud.
Run mData IO in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or Oracle Cloud.
Stream in parallel and store backups anywhere – public cloud, private cloud or NAS. Leverage MPY Technologies mData IO as a control plane to manage data across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
Recover anywhere and to any point in time (APIT). Accelerate testing and development by streaming only what is needed, securely masking sensitive data, and deploying any-to-any database topology recovery.
Backup and recover live with continuous streaming, incremental forever backups, and no more quiescing.
Backup and recover at the database level or individual table level.
Accelerate Test/Dev by streaming only what is needed to a topology that makes sense.
Securely mask sensitive data when providing access to data from backups.
Gain deep visibility into your backups, versions, and database changes for better administrative control.